Studies have shown that eating Almonds before meals will be able to lower the Glycemic response of the meal. Subjects fed with 30g, 60g and 90g of almonds together with 50g of white bread were tested to have lower Blood Glucose level and glycemia response as compared to those who ate just the white bread alone. The more the almond consume, the lower the glycemic index of the food(1).
This does not come suprising as fats are known to slow down the glycemic response of food, effectively lowering the glycemic index. The classic example of this phenomenom would be the GI of fresh potatoes against potato chips.
Fresh potatoes at a GI of 70 is considered a High GI food
White Potato chips at a GI of 54 is considered a Low GI food
Almond however, unlike potato chips, is a very healthy snack. They're packed with anti-oxidants and monounsaturated fats that are able to fight cardiovascular diseases. What's more, you've now also learnt that they can reduce the glycemic index of food. It's about time you incoporate these gems into your diet! Have a handful of them before meals and you'll get all the benefits you deserve.
However, please do note that although I may have made almond sound like a magical nut, they're relatively high in calories. Reduce the amount of food that you're gonna eat together with the almonds and all will be perfect.
Do also note that roasted almonds are as addictive, literally. It's really hard to resist them! So please do take note of the amount that you're taking in. Raw almonds are fine, I eat raw almonds regularly, they don't taste as great, which is a good thing!
1. Almonds and postprandial glycemia—a dose-response study Cited 28/5/2009
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