Not at least for us diabetics! In fact, it's the number 1 killer of diabetics.
How many times have you seen someone desperately seeking for help only when complications occur? Blindness, Amputation, Kidney problems, Cardiovascular diseases, you name it, diabetes delivers it. Google for Diabetes complication and you'll find yourself pictures from nightmares.
That being said, this can only happen when someone is ignorant enough. Diabetes to me, has two faces, it's a condition that is merciful but also cruel at the same time.
Diabetes does not show any physical signs when it is well controlled, unlike many other diseases. Well, it's good in a way that there will not be any embarrassment or social stigmatism. Many people are shocked to know I'm a diabetic and I'm pretty sure there are many around that we can't tell either.
As long as you keep everything well controlled and regulate your Blood Glucose levels, there's no reason why you can't live life normally and free of complications.
Are you aware that these famous people listed below are diabetics?
Elliot Yamin (type 1 diabetic)
Halle Berry (type 1 diabetic)
Elvis presley(type 2 diabetic)
Thomas Edison (type 2 diabetic)
And many more other here

What if you don't control your diabetes? Your body will be living like a time bomb. Everything will seem pretty calm, but deep inside, the counters are ticking. You will not show much obvious signs of being in a dangerous state, not unless you do a clinical test.
Every time your blood sugar levels are up, a little damage is done. And Wham! it just hits you hard on the face some day, when you discover that your wounds don't heal, when you wake up to find that all you see is darkness, when your kidney gives up on you, when doctors tell you that your legs have to go. This is kind of cruelty we're talking about here.
It just kills to be ignorant about diabetes, the damage done are very often irreversible. Please take control if you are currently this stage of ignorance! If you need help, please give me a mail, I will assure you my full support and assistance. It's just painful to see people suffering from regrets that can are preventable.
It's not difficult at all
It just requires consistency in your lifestyle. Once the change is made, maintain it and stick with it. Whether you're doing it with insulin and medicine or just diet and exercise alone, it's the same. Just keep your blood glucose levels down.
For type 1 diabetics, do not ever forget to monitor your blood glucose levels as well as taking your jabs, whether its the rapid acting or the long acting ones. But to keep your HBA1c levels down, you will have to do more than that. Keep a close check on your lifestyle habits and maintain an active lifestyle. Every little thing you do counts, do practise some of the lifestyle habits I listed below. Monitor your blood glucose levels daily and HBA1c once every 3 months.
For type 2 diabetics
Exercise regularly
Eat foods that are lower in the Glycemic index
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Eat more lean meat and healthy oils
Practice some habits that will help with blood sugar control(eg. drinking tea)
Monitor your blood glucose level regularly and HBA1c once every 3 months.
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